t.k.lynch joinery                   contact us at:         or by phone: (484) 343-0632

     The ‘Materials’ section is still under development.  Once complete it will offer information on the materials, techniques, and finishes used in the fabrication of our cabinetry and furniture.  It will address our aesthetic and practical interests in traditional, quality-oriented approaches to our work, but it will also convey our interest in, and commitment towards, environmentally sustainable materials and fabrication processes.

     In the meantime, we would be happy to discuss these materials, techniques and issues with you personally in the context of your project.  Please contact us with your questions or interests in more information.

Multiple tenons at leg joint on a walnut-slab table.

Unassembled chair parts revealing through-tenons and sliding dovetail joints.

Wedged through-tenons for cherry dining chairs.